- 4. A branch of science that studies the structure or anatomy of organisms.
- 7. Any remains, traces, or imprints of life that have been preserved.
- 8. Have the same function and look similar in structure but are anatomically different.
- 9. Fossil A fossilized imprint of an organism's foot prints, trails, burrows, nests, or eggs.
- 10. A collection of scientific observations, and hypotheses that helps explain the diversity of life
- 11. A person who studies fossils
- 13. It is the era in which live in the present time.
- 15. A word to describe when a group of organisms changes over time.
- 16. Branch of science that studies the development of an embryo.
- 1. His theory is about use and disuse and the inheritance of acquired traits.
- 2. The island where Charles Darwin went to observe different kinds of species.
- 3. His theory focuses on the elimination of inferior species.
- 5. Theory of Charles Darwin
- 6. Fossil Remains of actual organisms, which include bones, teeth, shells, and claws.
- 12. Have a similar structure and ancestor but are different in function.
- 14. It is the third evidence from the order of evidences that supported evolution.