  1. 2. theory of acquired characters
  2. 3. living beings were created by a superior being
  3. 5. bookwritten by Darwin (+2words)
  4. 7. scientist who created the endosymbiosis theory in 1970
  5. 8. theory created by Mooto Kimura in 1968
  6. 9. living beings are different because they evolve and have parental relationships between them
  7. 12. species created in independent events and separated from divine creation without a common origin
  8. 14. living beings change slowly with time
  9. 15. creator along Linnaeus of the fixism theory
  1. 1. each species was created for the place it was adapted to and can change with time
  2. 4. Creator of the catastrophist theory
  3. 6. synthetic theory of the evolution that is a combination of mendelian genetics and darwinism
  4. 10. natural selction theory
  5. 11. there were events of creature creation followed by events of mass destruction
  6. 13. cretor of the creationist theory