
  1. 6. The I in VIDA
  2. 9. isolation __________ is when they no longer can reproduce
  3. 10. ______ is all descendants of a Common Ancestor
  4. 12. The A in VIDA
  5. 13. Development Embryos of different species develop in almost identical ways
  6. 14. _________ is the Unifying Theory of Biology
  7. 15. the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock
  8. 17. Evolution organisms not closely related evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to a similar environment
  9. 20. The V in VIDA
  1. 1. Evolution ________ is species changing getting different overtime
  2. 2. Radiation _______ is when one species becomes many species
  3. 3. Survival The D in VIDA
  4. 4. Darwin He developed the Theory of Evolution
  5. 5. Structures These are organs or parts that seem to have no function
  6. 7. Selection Humans select variations the found useful
  7. 8. ________ is the formation of a new species
  8. 11. Structures Parts of the body that are similar, but have different functions
  9. 16. __________ refers to the number of organisms that have a particular trait
  10. 18. Selection _____________ is sometimes called "Survival of the fittest"
  11. 19. show features common to each group