
  1. 3. New layers of sediment that cover older ones, and compresses them into superimposed layers of rock.
  2. 6. The idea that parts that of the body that are used extensively, become larger and stronger, while those who are not used, tend to deteriorate.
  3. 8. The transfer of alleles from one population to another, resulting from the movement of fertile individuals, or their gametes.
  4. 11. Organisms, who are a potent force.
  5. 12. It’s not the individual, but rather the ________ that evolves.
  6. 16. A process in which events, cause unpredictable fluctuations in allele frequencies, from one generation to the next.
  7. 17. An evolutionary process in which one species splits into two or more species.
  8. 19. Condition describing a nonevolving population, one that is in genetic equilibrium.
  9. 21. A type of natural selection that occurs when a phenotype is favored between the individuals, and is going to give an advantage to the individual.
  10. 23. The study of fossils.
  11. 24. An English biologist, who argued that there is unity in life because all organisms descent from an ancestor that lived in the remote past.
  12. 26. Selection Natural Selection, in which the majority or intermediate phenotypes, survive, or reproduce more successfully, than the extreme phenotypes.
  13. 29. Underlying or basic skeletal structure, in different species, that represent variations from a common structural heme, that was present in their common ancestor.
  14. 31. selection Selection favors the formation of two distinct genes or alleles, causing a shift towards the extremes or the minority.
  15. 33. Mechanics of change are constant over time, meaning that the same geologic process of the past is operating now.
  16. 34. that share similar characteristics, as the result of convergent evolution, not homology.
  17. 35. A process by which humans have modified species over many generations by selecting and breeding individuals that possess desired traits.
  1. 1. Mechanisms that produce the observed pattern of change, or the natural causes of the natural phenomena observable.
  2. 2. Facts and observations about the natural world.
  3. 4. A Swedish physician and botanist who developed the binomial system of naming species, which is still used by scientists.
  4. 5. Characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments.
  5. 7. Speciation, where there is no physical barriers to
  6. 9. A change in a population over time, which occurs by a modification in a descendant, which in other words, suggests the idea that living species are descendants of ancestral species that were different from the actual ones.
  7. 10. The independent evolution of similar features in different lineages.
  8. 13. A diagram, which resulted from a resemblance between certain species, showing the evolutionary interrelations of a group of organisms derived from a common ancestral form, which shows the pattern of evolution.
  9. 14. The principle that events in the past occurred suddenly and were caused by mechanisms different from those operating in the present.
  10. 15. Evolution Species that originate from a common ancestor, but due to cataclysmic disasters, one allele is favored, causing a different development in the characteristics of these populations.
  11. 18. French biologist, who argued that evolution happens due to the innate drive, organisms have to become more complex.
  12. 20. Speciation that occurs when a population becomes divided into two entirely different isolated populations.
  13. 22. of acquired characteristics: The idea that an organism could pass on, to their offspring, these modifications.
  14. 25. A leading geologist of Darwin´s time, who incorporated Hutton´s idea into his principle, which later influenced Darwin´s ideas.
  15. 27. Selection A process in which individuals that have certain heritable characteristics survive and
  16. 28. Genetic drift that occurs when a few individuals become isolated from a larger population and form a new population, whose gene pool composition is not as reflective of that of the original population.
  17. 30. Remains or traces of past organisms, which are found in sedimentary rocks, formed by layers of sediment that settle into the bottom of seas, lakes, and swamps.
  18. 32. Cuvier Scientist who developed Paleontology, and stated that every boundary represented a new catastrophe.