Evolutionary Genetics

  1. 3. ______ mortality. A form of reproductive isolation, in which the egg is fertilized but no viable offspring are produced.
  2. 4. Sympatric _______. The evolution of a new species from a surviving ancestral species while both continue to inhabit the same geographic region.
  3. 9. Reproductively isolated populations of breeding individuals that produces fertile offspring.
  4. 11. ________ isolation. Related species have different mating signals (calls, smells, displays) to attract mates.
  5. 12. _______ species. Related but separate species living in the same area.
  6. 13. Hardy-_______ equilibrium. A mathematical model to determine the genotypes of a population.
  7. 15. ________ hybridization. Laboratory process that splits and recombines two strands of a DNA double helix.
  8. 16. Punctuated ______. A modern interpretation of Cuvier's catastrophism.
  9. 17. Change overtime in the characteristics of a species resulting from external environmental pressures.
  10. 18. ________ selection. The environment applies pressure on a population so that some individuals have greater reproductive success than others.
  11. 20. _______ evolution. Different traits evolve at different times and at different rates.
  12. 23. The space inhabited by a species and the specific resources utilized by the species.
  13. 24. Habitat _______. Decreased probability of mating due to different habitat preferences.
  14. 25. Gene _______. Free exchange of genetic material between two populations.
  15. 26. Genetic ______. Change in allele frequency due to random genetic fluctuations.
  1. 1. ________ DNA. DNA found in the cytoplasm of cells.
  2. 2. _______ effect. A phenomena that occurs when a small group of individuals becomes isolated from a larger population.
  3. 5. Sickle cell ________. Correspondence to high incidences of malaria.
  4. 6. Temporary physiological responses in an individual.
  5. 7. ________ evolution. Idea that evolution occurs over a long time with many small changes.
  6. 8. ________ isolation. Physical equipment of males and females of a related species does not fit.
  7. 10. Spontaneous change in genetic material.
  8. 14. _______ mortality. A form of reproductive isolation, where the egg is not fertilized, due to the inhospitably of the female reproductive tract.
  9. 19. Genetic changes within a population in response to natural selection.
  10. 21. _______ isolation. Related species mate at different times of the year.
  11. 22. _______ speciation. Speciation occurs at the edge of a species' range.