Exam 3 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Reverse Phase HPLC is best for separating ________ compounds
  2. 4. The stationary phase in gas chromatography is _________
  3. 6. Open tubular columns have _________ resolution that packed columns
  4. 8. ________ phase will have a weaker mobile eluent phase the nonpolar the eluent is.
  5. 11. Analytes absorbed on the surface of stationary phase particles is a _____________ chromatography.
  6. 14. _______ ________ is often used to measure column efficiency
  7. 16. We use a conditional K to account for the amount of compound that is in the ______ state.
  8. 19. ____________ factor = adjusted retention time divided by the unretained species
  9. 21. ___________ retention tells us which compound has greater affinity for stationary phase
  10. 22. ____________ retention time tells how much time a compound interacts with the stationary phase.
  11. 24. _______ error is when high ph and high Na+ makes pH look lower than it is when using a pH electrode
  12. 25. ________ elution - concentration of mobile phase stays constant through run
  13. 26. Normal Phase HPLC is best for separating ________ compounds
  14. 27. ______ flow rate is how mL of solvent goes through a column per unit of time
  1. 2. gain of electrons
  2. 3. A voltage difference that develops when two different solution come into contact
  3. 5. Running the temperature constant during a GC run
  4. 7. loss of electrons
  5. 9. ________ elution- concentration of mobile phase changes; from weak eluent mobile phase to stronger eluent strength.
  6. 10. spontaneous chemical rxn that generates electricity
  7. 12. Longer the solute remains on the column the _______ the peaks tend to become
  8. 13. ________ flow is when molecules in the center of an open tube move faster than those nearing the tubing wall, causing a band to get wider.
  9. 15. ___________ electrode is placed at the anode and is a known voltage
  10. 17. The physical transfer of a solute from one phase to another is called___________
  11. 18. _________ phase will have a stronger mobile eluent phase the nonpolar the eluent is.
  12. 20. __________ electrode is placed at the cathode and tell us about an unknown solution (such as metal or ion)
  13. 23. The two GC detectors used is mass spectrometry and _____