Exam 4

  1. 4. suffering from diabetes insipidus, weak pulse
  2. 5. 0.45% saline, 0.225% saline,0.33% saline, D5W
  3. 7. Provides relief from abdominal distention caused by flatus.
  4. 8. symptoms seizures & stupor, lethargic, over secreted ADH
  5. 9. Muscle weakness, decreased cardiac contractility
  6. 11. Type of incontinence caused by distended bladder
  7. 12. This test can be inaccurate if the patient takes high doses of vitamin C
  8. 13. Urine output less than 400 mL in 24 HRs
  9. 14. trauma caused, insufficient fluid
  1. 1. Dextrose 5% in 0.45% Normal Saline
  2. 2. caused by hypertonic solutions, increased reflexes, extreme thirst
  3. 3. cushings syndrome, medication that cause this are loop diuretics, Furosemide, laxatives, glucocorticoids,Hydrocortisone
  4. 6. Incontinence from involuntary loss of urine with strong urge to void
  5. 10. equal concentration