Exam 4 Review • Ch 13, 14, & 15 • MGT 300 • Jones/George

  1. 3. Subordinates who report to the same supervisory compose a _____________________ group.
  2. 5. Self-managed ________________ teams are teams in which members are empowered and have the responsibility and autonomy to complete identifiable pieces of work.
  3. 7. Group ___________________ are shared guidelines of rules for behavior that most group members follow.
  4. 8. ______________________ theory is a theory of motivation that concentrates on people’s perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes relative to, or in proportion to, their work inputs.
  5. 11. When _________________ are effective, the influence they exert over others helps a group or organization achieve its performance goals.
  6. 13. The ____________________ of a person’s behavior refers to the many possible behaviors a person could engage in.
  7. 16. Clayton _________________ collapsed Maslow’s five categories into three, referred to as the ERG theory.
  8. 20. _________________________ is the creative development of new products, new technologies, new services, or even new organizational structures.
  9. 21. ________________________ groups are informal groups composed of employees who enjoy one another’s company and socialize with one another.
  10. 22. ___________________ leaders are excited and enthusiastic about their vision and clearly communicate it to their subordinates.
  11. 23. Victor Vroom’s theory of motivation identifies three major factors that determine a person’s motivation: ____________________, instrumentality, and valence.
  12. 24. Some research indicates that ____________________ managers tend to be more humanistic or people-oriented than both Japanese or American managers.
  13. 25. There are several types of _______________: legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent.
  14. 26. ____________________ motivated behavior is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment; the source of motivation is the consequences of the behavior, not the behavior itself.
  15. 29. Some people are ________________ motivated by their work, meaning they are motived to perform to benefit or help others.
  16. 30. ________________ teams can include members who are not actually employees of the organization itself.
  1. 1. ________________________ theory focuses on the linage between performance and outcomes in the motivation equation.
  2. 2. ________________________ and Latham were the leading researchers for goals setting theory.
  3. 4. ____________________ is central to management because it explains why people behave the way they do in organizations.
  4. 6. Group ________________ is a set of behaviors and tasks that a member of a group is expected to perform because of his or her position in the group.
  5. 9. Maslow’s __________________ of Needs theory
  6. 10. ____________________ motivated behavior is behavior that is performed for its own sake; the source of motivation is actually performing the behavior, and motivation comes from doing the work itself.
  7. 12. _________________ leaders share power with followers and strive to ensure that followers’ most important needs are met, that they are able to develop as individuals, and that their well-being is enhanced, and that attention is paid to those who are least well-off in society.
  8. 14. When group ________________________ is high, individuals strongly value their group membership, find the group appealing, and have strong desires to remain a part of the group. When it is low, group members do not find their group particularly appealing and have little desire to retain their group membership.
  9. 15. __________________ needs in Maslow’s theory include the need to be respected by others.
  10. 17. Fiedler was among the first leadership researchers to acknowledge that effective leadership is ______________________ on, or depends on, the characteristics of the leader and the situation.
  11. 18. Four nurses who work in a hospital and have lunch together twice a week constitute an _________________ group.
  12. 19. __________________ is a person’s perception about the extent to which performance results in the attainment of outcomes.
  13. 27. A compensation plan basing pay on performance is often called a ____________________ pay plan.
  14. 28. ___________________ and development teams are created to develop new products.