Exam II

  1. 2. The federal government's occupational safety and health research arm.
  2. 3. An OSHA violation in which no fine is given.
  3. 6. The mechanism of smoke detection in which smoke particles obscure a beam of infrared energy.
  4. 7. Questionnaires that evaluation workers’ emotions about their jobs.
  5. 14. The profession of protecting humans from exposure to radiation.
  6. 16. The risk of _____________ is very high with burnings.
  7. 19. A method of testing for mechanical integrity that does not harm the material.
  8. 22. An electrical safety method of connecting two pieces of equipment together to equalize electrical potential.
  9. 23. The human tendency to become hyper-focused on a decision, whether right or wrong.
  10. 25. A substance that can cause a malignant tumor.
  11. 26. Intentionally neglecting one’s responsibility to exercise reasonable care.
  12. 28. A fuel that self-ignites in the presence of oxygen at normal atmospheric concentrations.
  13. 29. A type of control that involves designing out of hazards.
  14. 34. The organization that is made up of safety professionals, which was founded after the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.
  15. 36. In ___________ , it is important to not do exactly what a person in an accident did, as an additional accident may occur.
  16. 38. Burns that have an affinity for water and that can destroy the chemical composition of tissue.
  17. 40. The acronym for OSHA’s standard on the control of hazardous energy.
  18. 41. Financial awards assigned to injured parties in a lawsuit
  19. 43. The acronym used for the safety device that can detect the flow of current to ground and open the circuit, interrupting current flow.
  20. 44. Eyewitnesses to an accident.
  21. 45. A failure in which the following components: person (host), machine (agency), or the environment fail.
  22. 46. An action involving a failure to exercise a reasonable care that may, as a result, lead to civil litigation.
  23. 47. An acronym for the electrical code published by the National Fire Protection Association.
  1. 1. An accident theory stating that injuries are based on preceding factors.
  2. 3. Employees that work in pressurized environments must undergo __________________ before returning to a normal atmosphere.
  3. 4. The concensus organization the published the national fire codes.
  4. 5. The acronym for ACGIH’s level of chemicals that can be present in human fluid specimens (blood, urine, etc.).
  5. 8. The U.S. Department of Labor’s safety enforcement arm.
  6. 9. The professional organization that represents industrial hygienists.
  7. 10. The degree of burn in which burns penetrate both the dermis and the epidermis.
  8. 11. The organization that represents professional engineers.
  9. 12. Ultrafine particles are in this range of sizes (in meters).
  10. 13. the theory of subtracting the capacity of worker after an accident from the worker’s capacity before an accident.
  11. 14. one of the most important methods of preventing workplace illness, disease, and accidents. Dr. Alice Hamilton, of Harvard University was a pioneer in this.
  12. 15. The board responsible for administering the Certified Industrial Hygienist credential.
  13. 17. Costs not covered by insurance.
  14. 18. An electrical safety method of connecting one connector of a circuit to earth.
  15. 20. The acronym for ACGIH’s workplace exposure recommendations.
  16. 21. = N x 200,000/T
  17. 24. The Greek words “Ergo” and “Nomos” (or Work Laws) describe this term.
  18. 27. loss A complication of burns that results in severe dehydration.
  19. 28. Water _____________ is a shock effect caused by liquid flow suddenly topping.
  20. 30. Failure to take reasonable care or failure to perform duties in ways that prevent harm to humans or damage to property.
  21. 31. The acronym used to described the surface area of the body burned.
  22. 32. The board that certifies safety professionals.
  23. 33. It is important to take witness statements as soon as the witness list has been compiled. This is called _____________.
  24. 35. A measure of pressure below atmospheric pressure.
  25. 37. A cancerous tissue that may become cancerous.
  26. 39. An error that occurred sometime in the past.
  27. 42. The acronym for the field of safety based on positive reinforcement.