
  1. 2. removal of carbon dioxide
  2. 5. funnel shaped structure
  3. 8. renal tubules
  4. 10. cup like
  5. 12. muscular bag
  6. 13. nitogenous waste
  7. 14. from sweat glands
  8. 17. excess of sugar in urine
  9. 18. expulsion of urine
  10. 19. inner lighter region
  1. 1. bean shaped
  2. 3. narrow tube from kidney
  3. 4. formed in liver
  4. 6. regulation of water and salt
  5. 7. crystals of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate
  6. 9. outer darker region
  7. 11. a machine to filter blood.
  8. 15. removal of unwanted waste
  9. 16. opens outside