Exemplary People in the Bible

  1. 1. who used to pour water on the hands of Elijah.": ELISHA
  2. 2. the maiden went and called the child's mother.": MIRIAM
  3. 3. I said, 'Here I am, Lord! Send me.' ": ISAIAH
  4. 4. a true son in the faith." : TIMOTHY
  5. 5. little _________ of Israel" that served Naaman.: MAID
  6. 6. Jacob said to him, 'Come, I will send you..." And he replied, 'Here I am.' ": JOSEPH
  7. 7. people will be my people, and your God my God.": RUTH
  8. 8. what do You desire me to do?": PAUL
  1. 1. you shall go to all to whom I send you…' ": JEREMIAH
  2. 2. rose early in the morning… and went as Jesse had commanded him.": DAVID
  3. 3. boy ministered before the LORD under Eli.": SAMUEL
  4. 4. here I am, a servant of the Lord.": MARY
  5. 5. if I perish, I perish.": ESTHER
  6. 6. he determined in his heart...": DANIEL
  7. 7. she recognized Peter's voice, she was overjoyed…": RHODA