  1. 2. The sight of the ___ of the Lord was like a consuming fire
  2. 3. And Moses ___ shall come near the Lord,
  3. 7. And Moses took ___ the blood and put it in basins,
  4. 11. ___ here for us until we come back to you
  5. 13. And he ___ early in the morning,
  6. 14. All that the Lord has said we will do, and be ___.
  7. 15. And ___ pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
  1. 1. So Moses ___ with his assistant Joshua,
  2. 4. But on the ___ of the children of Israel
  3. 5. And I will give you ___ of stone,
  4. 6. Now the glory of the Lord ___ on Mount Sinai,
  5. 8. And Moses was on the mountain ___ days
  6. 9. And built an altar at the ___ of the mountain,
  7. 10. And there was under His feet as it were a ___ work of sapphire stone
  8. 12. So Moses came and ___ the people all the words of the Lord