  1. 7. So they continued bringing to him ___ offerings
  2. 8. And Bezalel and ___, and every gifted artisan
  3. 10. It was worked with an artistic design of ___.
  4. 12. And they ___ from Moses all the offering
  5. 13. And he made boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards for the ___ side.
  6. 14. And the people were ___ from bringing,
  1. 1. For the material they had was ___ for all the work
  2. 2. Then he made a ___ for the tent of ram skins dyed red,
  3. 3. And he overlaid their ___ and their rings with gold,
  4. 4. And he made the ___ bar to pass through the boards
  5. 5. He made loops of ___ yarn
  6. 6. Then all the ___ who were doing all the wor
  7. 7. And he cast ___ sockets of silver for them.
  8. 9. And he made ___ of acacia wood:
  9. 11. And he made ___ clasps of gold,