Explanations of Offending Behaviour

  1. 3. A type of cognitive bias where individuals interpret situations as being more threatening than they really are.
  2. 7. One of the candidate genes implicated in genetic explanations of offending behaviour.
  3. 8. Theorist who came up with a way to measure personality traits.
  4. 9. The name of the researcher who examined anti-social and criminal behaviour in a family in the Netherlands.
  5. 10. Offending profiling approach based on criminal typologies, created in the US.
  6. 11. One of the personality dimensions linked to criminal behaviour.
  7. 14. A psychological explanation of offending suggesting individuals who commit crime are less morally developed than those who do not.
  8. 15. The theory that criminals are evolutionary throwbacks; less developed than non-criminals.
  1. 1. One of the neurotransmitters implicated in offending behaviour according to neural explanations.
  2. 2. Rates that show the likelihood of both twins developing the same disorder or engaging the in the same behaviour.
  3. 4. A psychological explanation of offending stating errors in thought processes lead people to commit crime.
  4. 5. The theorist who came up with the term criminology and proposed that you can tell a criminal by their physical appearance.
  5. 6. Offender profiling approach based on the theory that criminals operate within a specific location, and examining the time and location of crimes can reveal information about the offender.
  6. 12. The questionnaire used to measure personality dimensions.
  7. 13. Lobe of the brain implicated in offending behaviour according to Raine.