EXPLOR III: 3.03 Check for Understanding

  1. 3. Job-specific math skills may include performing _________.
  2. 4. Someone with strong work ethic takes responsibility for decisions and __________.
  3. 6. It is a good idea to ______ the question twice when understanding math problems.
  4. 7. Demonstrating customer service includes: be helpful, be courteous, be knowledgeable and anticipate ______.
  5. 8. Customer _________ is the interaction between the buyer of a product and the company that sells it.
  6. 10. Work _____ is a desire or determination to work hard.
  7. 11. ___________ personal finance is a way math is involved with a job.
  1. 1. A professional person will maintain personal hygiene and follow the _________.
  2. 2. Professionalism includes being courteous and ___________ in the workplace.
  3. 5. A professional person will show up on time, and be _______ often.
  4. 9. A professional person will use a _______ handshake, introduce themselves, and make eye contact.