Exploration & Americas

  1. 2. The growth of large plantations led to the rise in this trade
  2. 4. Inca farming system
  3. 6. Main reason to colonize...Pink Floyd
  4. 7. The Columbian Exchange introduced this to Europe
  5. 11. Route slaves took between Africa & The Americas
  6. 12. This society used color string and knots for record keeping
  7. 13. Controlled by Portugal imported the most slaves
  8. 14. Temples in S. America Tombs in Egypt
  9. 15. Primary killer of natives
  10. 16. The slave trade led to increased violence & warfare in this directional part of Africa
  1. 1. The middle passage resulted in an estimated 2 million slave
  2. 3. New navigation tools & proved ships led to Dora's job
  3. 5. Aztec farming technique
  4. 8. We built our empire through trade & war
  5. 9. These aren't these Indies? So I am where?
  6. 10. Economic theory during the Age of Exploration