Explore Nutrition

  1. 4. acid building blocks that make up protein
  2. 6. desire to eat
  3. 8. unit to measure energy used by body
  4. 10. small amounts needed for strong bones & teeth
  5. 11. physical need to eat
  6. 13. bones gradually lose mineral content
  7. 14. provide energy & essential fatty acids
  8. 15. nutrient that builds, repairs, & maintains body cells & tissues
  9. 16. substance in food that is necessary for body growth
  10. 17. body cannot control blood sugar properly
  1. 1. substance needed in small quantities to regulate body functions
  2. 2. plant material that your body cannot digest
  3. 3. grain foods that contain the entire edible grain
  4. 5. reaching for your best level of health
  5. 7. mineral that helps regulate the amount of fluid in your body
  6. 8. waxy substance in saturated animal fats
  7. 9. starches & sugars that give the body energy
  8. 12. calories foods high in calories & low in nutrient