  1. 2. Loss Prevention: _______ _____ Program
  2. 7. Store _____ Excellence Checklist
  3. 10. ADS: average ______ sale
  4. 11. Express Edit: _____ casual
  5. 13. the R in GREAT stands for ____ ___ _____
  6. 16. UPT: _____ per transaction
  7. 19. Code of _____: “Do the Right Thing and Do Things Right”
  8. 23. the E in GREAT stands for _______
  9. 26. corporate strategy: The _____ forward
  10. 28. Express ______ (value): accept and respect each associate for who they are and how they contribute
  11. 31. Monthly Visual Updates: Product _____
  12. 32. Express _______ (value): recognize your role in delivering results
  13. 33. the G in GREAT stands for ______
  14. 36. percentage of customers making a purchase
  15. 37. April Learning Focus: _______ & Feedback
  16. 39. Department 94
  17. 40. the T in GREAT stands for _______
  1. 1. the through line that connects product, brand, and customer
  2. 3. _______ to earn
  3. 4. Express Edit: modern _______
  4. 5. CEO: Tim _____
  5. 6. Express _____ (value): bring passion, intention and conviction to your work
  6. 8. Express Edit: Modern _____ Codes
  7. 9. Express Edit: mix and match _______
  8. 12. ____ Door Policy
  9. 14. Express Edit: ______ everywhere
  10. 15. Brand Purpose: Create _____ and promote Self-Expression
  11. 17. add an ______
  12. 18. Express Edit: _______ is now
  13. 20. Express Edit: ______ that matter
  14. 21. March Learning Focus: _____ vs Doing
  15. 22. new customer experience model
  16. 24. CEL: customer _____ leader
  17. 25. Dream Big. Dress _______
  18. 27. Express Edit: Best of ________
  19. 29. the A in GREAT stands for ________
  20. 30. Express Edit: ___ and now
  21. 34. items that did well in store that moved out of stores but were kept in stock on the online store
  22. 35. Express ______ will provide digital resources and on-the-job training opportunities
  23. 38. Express Edit = Customer + Brand + __________