Expressions de la Télé / La Négation

  1. 2. a celebrity
  2. 4. a commercial or an ad (abbreivated)
  3. 7. dubbed (voice over)
  4. 8. short, informal word for "bad" (masculine)
  5. 9. not (hint: ne + [verb] + ___)
  6. 10. "exciting" (feminine)
  7. 12. funny, amusing (masculine)
  8. 13. a sitcom
  9. 17. to channel surf
  10. 18. a channel
  11. 19. a TV show with a continuing story line; a soap opera
  12. 20. "horrible"
  13. 22. "successful" (masculine)
  14. 23. the weather forecast
  1. 1. no longer (hint: ne + [verb] + ___)
  2. 3. a TV show
  3. 4. a news anchor (feminine)
  4. 5. a TV remote
  5. 6. the news (abbreviated)
  6. 11. a male TV host (primarily in entertainment)
  7. 14. never (hint: ne + [verb] + ___)
  8. 15. an image or picture
  9. 16. only (hint: ne + [verb] + ___)
  10. 21. "failed" (feminine)