extreme weather/ natural disasters

  1. 3. similar to rain, but the rain is made of ice
  2. 5. (2words)these happen often in Australia when the weather is hot and the trees are too dry.
  3. 8. the hot liquid that flows out of volcanoes
  4. 11. a mountain that explodes
  5. 12. the ground shakes
  1. 1. when snow on a mountain becomes unstable and suddenly moves down the mountain
  2. 2. a snow storm
  3. 4. similar to a cyclone but begins and moves on land
  4. 5. when there is too much rain, so water rises and damages houses and buildings
  5. 6. when soil or land becomes unstable and suddenly moves down a hill or mountain
  6. 7. also know as a cyclone, begins over water
  7. 9. a long period of time with no rain and therefore not enough water
  8. 10. a giant wave that is caused by an earthquake