Eye Disorders

  1. 2. type of glaucoma that is a medical emergency
  2. 3. glaucoma is the #1 cause of _____ in the US
  3. 4. black dots and ____ are common symptoms of retinopathy
  4. 7. eye disorder with clouding of lens
  5. 8. causes 3 times more risk for macular degeneration
  6. 9. disease that puts you at risk for retinopathy
  7. 11. vision may be faded or this color with cataracts
  8. 12. macular degeneration is the breakdown of ____ sensitive cells
  9. 13. type of macular degeneration with leaky new vessels
  1. 1. vision affected by glaucoma (hint: side view)
  2. 4. age to start seeing eye doctor every year
  3. 5. caused by increased fluid pressure in eye
  4. 6. visual disturbance that is a symptom of closed angle glaucoma
  5. 9. type of eye exam for diagnosis of cataracts
  6. 10. only treatment available for cataracts