Eye of Minds week1 creative role

  1. 3. The creature that Kaine uses to kill other gamers.
  2. 5. The most populated district in the entire VirtNet.
  3. 7. The security agency that recruited Michael. It is also called the Virtual Network Security.
  4. 8. The club that is run by Ronika. It is a very popular place.
  5. 9. The special words that Agent Weber tells Michael to represent that Michael is now committed to the VNS.
  6. 12. The lady next door to Michael. Michael rudely comes into her house and asks for her to call the VNS and tell them that Michael is committed.
  7. 13. The place where Cutter told Michael, Sarah, and Bryson to go to find Kaine.
  8. 14. The virtual reality system that Michael and his friends use to become their virtual bodies.
  9. 16. The old man who runs a barber shop in Old Towne. He knows information about Kaine.
  10. 19. The evil gamer who harasses others for his personal benefit.
  11. 20. The main character who has to defeat Kaine.
  1. 1. The gamer who runs the Black and Blue club. She also got her virtual aura killed by a KillSim.
  2. 2. One of Michael's best friends. He is very goofy.
  3. 4. The most popular game on the VirtNet. Also Michael's favorite game.
  4. 6. The game that is very unpopular where The Path to Kaine starts.
  5. 10. The agent who works for the VNS who is in charge of the kidnapping of Michael.
  6. 11. The device that is used to transfer your physical self into your virtual self, and back again.
  7. 15. The girl who ripped out her core and committed suicide in front of Michael.
  8. 17. The nanny of Michael's family.
  9. 18. One of Michael's best friends. She is very intelligent.