Ezekiel 36+37 Gathered to New Life

  1. 2. 37v9 What was Ezekiel told to prophesy to next?
  2. 5. 37v8 What was not in them?
  3. 7. 37v7 As Ezekiel spoke, they came ____.
  4. 10. 36v10 What will happen to the cities?
  5. 11. 36v20 Desecrated, defiled, debased, or treated with disrespect.
  6. 13. 36v1 What object was Ezekiel to prophesy to?
  7. 17. 37v4 What did the Lord tell Ezekiel to do?
  8. 20. 37v2 What were they very?
  9. 21. 36v11 Places of occupation.
  10. 22. 37v22 What will the Lord make of Israel?
  11. 23. 36v26 What stone will be replaced with flesh?
  12. 24. 36v29 What will not be allowed in the land?
  13. 27. 36v8 What will shoot forth?
  14. 28. 36v18 Idols had done what to the land?
  15. 29. 36v35 What will become as the Garden of Eden?
  16. 30. 37v3 The Lord asked if they could do what?
  17. 31. 37v12 Where will the Lord bring people from to get them to the land of Israel?
  1. 1. 36v3 Held in such low esteem that everyone knows and is horrified to know.
  2. 2. 37v11 What did the contents of the valley represent? (4 words)
  3. 3. 37v24 Who will be king over them?
  4. 4. 36v27 Laws, ordinances, instructions.
  5. 6. 36v31 What will Israel do about their past mistakes?
  6. 8. 37v25 Who did the Lord give the land to?
  7. 9. 37v1 What filled the valley?
  8. 12. 37v16 What was Ezekiel told to write on the first stick?
  9. 14. 36v5 What specific group is noted?
  10. 15. 36v23 To be made holy, consecrated, set apart, hallowed.
  11. 16. 37v17 What was Ezekiel to do with the two sticks?
  12. 18. 37v23 Places that are lived in.
  13. 19. 36v38 What kind of feasts?
  14. 25. 37v28 Who will know that the Lord sanctifies Israel?
  15. 26. 37v16 What was Ezekiel told to write on the second stick?