Fahrenheit 451 Ambree Dowell 1-27-23 Period 3
- 4. where Montag and Mildred met
- 6. where Mildred's "family" is
- 7. What the government is trying to hide
- 9. who turned Montag in for possessing books
- 11. How many rules Faber had
- 13. Where Montag hides his first book
- 15. who Montag kills
- 18. The main character; is a fireman
- 19. a retired English teacher
- 21. the flower clarisse hasthat represents love beatty The fire Captin
- 22. What Mildred uses as a distraction
- 23. A person who burns books
- 24. the amount of wars started and won since 2022
- 25. the number of TVs in Fabers home
- 1. Montags wife
- 2. mechanical ____ that chases Montag
- 3. "...is just a perfume to me." - Montag
- 5. what Montag did after burning the old woman's home
- 8. what did Mildred overdose on
- 10. the firemen's vehicle
- 12. The author of Fahrenheit 451
- 14. The mysterious girl Montag meets
- 15. What firemen burn
- 16. where Montag hides books
- 17. granger said man would rise again like a ...
- 20. what their cars are called
- 23. the amount of books Montag took when he escaped