Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle
- 6. The place where Montag lost the pursuit of the city
- 9. The symbol of the firemen
- 10. The number of years that Mildred and Montag have been married
- 11. The book Montag read to Mildred and her friends
- 12. These are illegal in Montag's world
- 13. A presidental candidate
- 16. The flower that Clarisse rubbed the bottom of her chin with
- 17. The room with the walls that projected the "family"
- 18. A professor that helped Montag realize what books are
- 1. The 17-year-old girl that talked to montag in the beginning
- 2. pills The pills that Mildred used to commit suicide
- 3. The earbuds that people in Montag's city use
- 4. The device that the firemen us to hunt specific creatures
- 5. The liquid that the firemen use to soak the books in
- 7. The protagonist of "Fahrenheit 451"
- 8. The person that explains everything about books to Montag
- 12. The event where Montag's city got leveled out
- 14. Where Montag hid his books after the ladies left
- 15. Montag's wife
- 18. What burns the books