Fahrenheit 451

  1. 4. Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.
  2. 6. One of Montag's mentor. He is also an ex-professor
  3. 7. pills/ What substance was used during mildreds overdose?
  4. 9. what is banned in order to protect society from dangerous thoughts?.
  5. 10. What is the theme concerning the banning of books?
  6. 13. Hound/ A Computerized Dog
  7. 15. Guy Montag's Captain
  8. 16. Guy Montag's Wife
  9. 17. What type of society is present in Fahrenheit 451?
  10. 19. you happy/ What question troubles Guy montag the most?
  1. 1. Beach/ Which poem did Guy Montag read to Mildred and her freinds
  2. 2. What is the main purpose of clarisse, what did her character Promote?
  3. 3. What do "firemen" use to burn books?
  4. 5. Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him
  5. 8. Montag/ The main character's name
  6. 9. Books/ The purpose of firemen
  7. 11. What is the official symbol used by fireman?.
  8. 12. What was ms. phelps reaction towards the poem?, What did she do?
  9. 14. Crash/ How did clarisse die?
  10. 18. Ventilator/ Which area did Guy Montag choose to hide his books?