Fairy Tales

  1. 3. In the Disney sequel, Ariel and her Prince have a daughter, and her name is ______.
  2. 6. _____ bear porridge was too hot
  3. 8. He is the sidekick to Gaston in the Disney telling of the Beauty and the Beast story.
  4. 10. The young girl who is forced to try and spin straw into gold is offered a deal by an imp. On the first day he spins the straw for the price over her _________.
  5. 12. He is the Candlestick who loves to sing.
  6. 14. The Prince, from Disney's retelling of the Frog Prince's story has a traveling companion by the name of __________. He tries to take the Princes place.
  7. 15. In many tellings, Robin Hood falls for, or is in love with his lovely Maid ________.
  8. 16. The girl in red makes 3 exclamations, "What a big ________ you have!"
  9. 17. Jack steals three items from the giants at the top of the stalk. A _____ Harp
  10. 19. What is the name of the evil stepmother who forces her adopted daughter to clean for her and her two other children?
  11. 20. The historic setting of Hua Mulan is in the _________ Wei
  12. 21. The name of Belle's father in Disney's retelling of the story.
  13. 22. This evil fairy from the story of the sleeping princess, who now has here books and movies, is thought of as the most evil in all the land.
  14. 23. The Disney retelling of the story of the Frog Prince takes place in New _________.
  15. 24. In the Disney telling of the tale, the sultan's daughter goes by the name of _________.
  16. 27. The prince has a name, in Disney's retelling of the Frog Prince, and his name is ____________
  17. 28. In the Princess and the _____, a _____ was placed under a tall stack of mattresses.
  18. 29. She is the mother of the tea-cup named Chip
  1. 1. It is a _______ in this story, who lies to a king telling him that his daughter can spin straw into gold.
  2. 2. Gerda seeks out to find and save her friend ______.
  3. 3. _____ bear's porridge was too cold
  4. 4. In the Grimm version of the story, Cinderella must collect a dish of _____, that were spilled across the floor.
  5. 5. The oldest surviving ballad of the Robin Hood story is called, Robin Hood and the ______.
  6. 7. The prince in Disney's retelling of the Frog Prince is from the Kingdom of ___________.
  7. 9. In the Disney retelling, along with several others, Robin Hood is assisted by his close friend _____ John. Though in most tellings, his size is not determined by his nickname.
  8. 11. The blue gowned fairy of the Disney retelling of the Sleeping Princess.
  9. 12. In the Disney version of the story, ________ are released every year on Rapunzel's birthday.
  10. 13. Hansel and Gretel are _______ inside by the old hag with the promises of soft beds, good food, and a hot bath.
  11. 16. The horse that hunts Rider in the Disney version of the Rapunzel tale is ________.
  12. 18. Ariel is a _________.
  13. 19. What is the name of the cat that tries to eat Jaq and Gus in the Disney version of the Cinder girls story?
  14. 20. In many tellings, Robin Hood goes up against the evil and unfair Sheriff of _________.
  15. 21. In the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast, Belle uses the magic "________" to see that her father has fallen in the snow while trying to find her. She uses it again later to see the Beast in his castle.
  16. 24. The Evil Royal Vizier in the Disney telling of the Aladdin story.
  17. 25. Mulan's dragon companion in the Disney retelling of the tale.
  18. 26. In the story of the Frog princes there are a few methods that were used to break the spell. The frog had to be thrown against the wall, sleep on the princess pillow, or as many know it to be, recieve a _______ from the spoiled princess.
  19. 27. The oldest literary version of the story was published in _______. It was called Cenerentola.