Fairy tales
- 1. the chief male character in a fairy tale is often referred to as the ....
- 2. an act, process or instance of transforming or being transformed
- 4. animals who behave like human beings can be said to be ...........
- 7. a difference that prevents agreement
- 9. in fairy tales you often find the same thing happening several times in row. This is called..........
- 10. the process of developing fully
- 12. not restricted to a particular time or date
- 14. a scoundrel or a criminal
- 15. something which the main character of a fairy tale often has to go through
- 1. the female counterart of a hero
- 3. departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature
- 5. when an author who is not named or identified
- 6. stereotyped characters as the ones we often find in fairy tales can also be called....characters
- 8. actions that cause suffering
- 11. in fairy tales we often find kings, queens etc. They can also be referred to as .......
- 13. 3 and 7 are ..... which are often found in fairy tales