Faith Formation Overview
- 3. Wine turns to this
- 5. What is God's favorite day
- 7. A gift from God
- 10. 50 days after Easter when Holy Spirit came to the Apostles
- 12. Jesus' Real Dad
- 14. Jesus' Mother
- 16. Where Jesus is located in the Church
- 18. How many Apostles are there
- 19. How many Commandments are there
- 20. Body and Blood of Jesus
- 21. Was Fr. Andy in the military
- 22. The worst kind of Sin
- 24. What is the current color on the altar
- 25. The day Jesus rose from the Dead
- 26. Bread turns to this
- 1. Who betrayed Jesus
- 2. Name of our current Pope
- 4. What Religion are we
- 6. The day Jesus was born
- 8. Every day sin
- 9. How many parts of the Mass are there
- 11. Jesus' Step Dad
- 13. Name of your first teacher
- 15. How many Sacraments are there
- 17. Name of your second teacher
- 23. 40 days after Easter when Jesus went to Heaven