Faith's Japanese Vocabulary

  1. 2. men who were hereditary warriors of nobility
  2. 4. to be your own country and not be under the control of another government
  3. 7. someone who trades the craftings of artisans
  4. 8. the leader of the military government in Japan
  5. 11. to develop new ways of life to survive in an area with frequent natural disasters
  6. 13. an order to the public by an authority
  7. 16. a form of popular theatre, prominent in the merchant class
  8. 19. a class system very focused on the class and social status system
  9. 20. luxurious or lavish
  10. 22. the Japanese colonial empire
  11. 23. to be secluded and have no ties with other countries
  12. 24. a person ranking just below samurai because they were responsible for rice production
  13. 25. the centralised military government lead by the shogun
  14. 26. the hereditary ruler of japan with no real rule
  1. 1. a sense of what is considered beautiful
  2. 3. to advance and develop new technologies that aren’t considered a thing of the past
  3. 5. the lowest class of people in Japan whose status was based on their lifestyle
  4. 6. creates goods for trade, decorated homes and crafted objects for everyday life
  5. 9. the local government, lead by a daimyo
  6. 10. women hired to entertain, trained in dancing, singing and tea ceremonies
  7. 12. a group of attendants who accompany a person of importance
  8. 14. the feudal lord of a region
  9. 15. forced to live outside villages, their occupations consisting of dirty, depressing labour
  10. 17. a Japanese measuring system for rice, equating to approx. 175 litres of rice
  11. 18. a large and important city in a region
  12. 21. cultural activities that appeal to the majority of the public