Fall 2021 #1

  1. 3. general political orientation or disposition of a nation/state/geographic area; shared values and beliefs about the nature of the political world that give us a common language in which to discuss & debate political ideas
  2. 5. the idea that legitimate government flows from the people
  3. 10. idea that individuals are responsible for their own well-being
  4. 12. a statement of fundamental principles that governs a nation or an organization
  5. 14. election where citizens vote directly on an issue
  6. 15. Americans who believe in reduced government spending, personal responsibility, traditional moral values, and a strong national defense
  7. 17. government in which citizens rule indirectly by choosing elected representatives to make decisions for them
  8. 18. when all citizens enjoy the same privileges, status and rights before the laws
  9. 19. willing to accept or respect behavior or opinions different from one's own; a philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy and free enterprise
  10. 20. theory or approach to political behavior that views individuals as rational, decisive actors who know their political interests and seek to act on them.
  1. 1. principle that all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws that are publicly made, equally enforced, independently adjudicated and consistent with human rights principles
  2. 2. idea that government policy should ensure that all are comfortably cared for within the context of a capitalist society
  3. 4. organizations, norms, and rules that structure government and public action
  4. 6. popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority; extends beyond a mere legal right to a moral right
  5. 7. the right and power to enforce decisions and compel obedience
  6. 8. a group of independent states or nations that yield some of their powers to a national government, although each state retains a degree of sovereign authority
  7. 9. liberty
  8. 11. freedom to pursue one's own desires without interference from others
  9. 13. government in which citizens rule directly, making governmental decisions for themselves
  10. 16. the process by which who gets what, when and how of the valued goods in our society