Fall Assessment
- 3. The sense of one's body in space
- 6. An unintentional coming to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level
- 7. Term for regulation of posture on a feed-forward, rather than feedback, system
- 13. Assesses dynamic balance and coordination through stepping forwards, sideways, and backwards in a timed fashion
- 14. A concern regarding the possibility of falling that increases the risk of falls
- 15. Computerized test that quantifies use of visual, proprioceptive and vestibular cues to maintain postural stability in stance
- 17. Evaluates not only usual steady-state walking, but also walking during more challenging tasks
- 18. A static balance assessment that can help determine dysfunction in proprioception, vestibular, or vision
- 20. The ability to control, integrate, organize, and maintain information when continuously presented
- 1. A term describing the brain's malleability
- 2. >13.5 seconds on this test is indicative of a fall risk in community-dwelling older adults
- 4. A 14 item objective assessment to assess static balance and fall risk with a score of 0-20 demonstrating a high fall risk
- 5. Single-task dynamic balance test
- 8. Distances necessary for independence in a local area
- 9. A questionnaire that assesses the fear of falling
- 10. Includes a Balance and a Gait assessment and a score of less than or equal to 18 = high fall risk
- 11. Walking while talking is an example of this
- 12. The patient's chosen pace for walking
- 16. Includes four subscales: transitions/anticipatory postural control, reactive postural control, sensory orientation and stability in gait
- 19. Considered the 6th vital sign