Fall Crossword 2021

  1. 3. This sport is very popular in the fall.
  2. 7. The holiday all about thankfulness.
  3. 9. A popular red fruit that grows on a tree.
  4. 11. The Indian Squanto told the Pilgrims to bury this with their corn seeds.
  5. 12. The name of the ship that brought the pilgrims to America in 1620.
  1. 1. This small bushy-tailed animal stores nuts for the winter.
  2. 2. A sweet treat made from graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows.
  3. 4. This bird is the center of a Thanksgiving dinner.
  4. 5. These things turn many different shades of red, orange, and yellow in the fall.
  5. 6. An outer piece of clothing used to protect a person from the cold.
  6. 8. A nut that falls from an oak tree.
  7. 10. This large orange fruit is ready to harvest in the fall.
  8. 13. The season that comes after summer and before winter.