Fall Fun!

  1. 2. Often eaten with apple cider, sometimes covered with cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar.
  2. 5. Black flying animal that is often associated with Halloween time or spooky movies.
  3. 7. Red, yellow, or green tree-growing fruit with a core and seeds in the center.
  4. 8. Holiday based on the tradition of all saints day, happens at the end of october.
  5. 9. A fun activity cut out of a field of corn - you go in and have to find your way out again.
  6. 11. What children go around the neighborhood collecting in a bag or bucket.
  7. 12. Collecting fruits or vegetables grown in a garden; the time of year where plant food is collected.
  8. 15. Tall plant grown on stalks whose fruit is produced in "ears"
  9. 16. Produced by grinding up all parts of an apple and then squeezing out the juice.
  1. 1. Large, orange vined plant that is harvested in the fall.
  2. 3. The month most associated with the fall season; the month the has the holiday Halloween.
  3. 4. These turn yellow, orange and red during the fall season due to the change in temperature.
  4. 6. Often made of straw, wears farmers' clothes and stands in a field to keep birds and pests away.
  5. 10. Another name for the season 'fall'
  6. 13. What naughty kids might do if they don't get any candy from the neighbors.
  7. 14. People often enjoy watching these types of movies around the Halloween season.