Fall Prevention
- 3. rated on a scale from 1-10 assessed hourly
- 5. this is done so patients understand why they are a fall risk
- 7. wrist band placed on patient's wrist to notify other staff of fall risk
- 8. put on patients to prevent slipping/tripping when walking
- 11. turned on in bed or chair to alert staff if patient is getting up without help
- 13. I can leave the patient in the bathroom without supervision (T/F)
- 14. the place where patients fall most
- 16. patient who is on a continuous IV gtt is not considered a fall risk T/F
- 17. adequate _____ to ensure patient and staff can see where they are going
- 18. placed near or next to patient hourly to prevent patient from reaching too far
- 1. patient pushes this for assistance out of bed
- 2. position of bed when leaving the room
- 4. done hourly to prevent falls
- 6. offered hourly to prevent patient from attempting to get up themselves
- 9. the bed and chair should be ______ at all times when leaving the room
- 10. this is the side we assist patients out of bed on
- 11. used to walk to the bathroom safely
- 12. we _____ the pathway hourly to ensure the way to bathroom/hallway is safe and free from fall risks
- 15. yellow socks should ALWAYS be put on patients (no personal slippers) T/F