Fall Semester Final Crossword

  1. 3. Country Marie Antoinette was from. (She was a princess here.)
  2. 4. English church founded by Henry VIII that blended Protestant and Catholic practices.
  3. 6. This South Atlantic island was Napoleon's final resting place. He was sent here by the British.
  4. 10. He painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  5. 12. Country where the Renaissance began.
  6. 14. Number of days given to the title of Napoleon's return until he was defeated by British and Prussian forces in Belgium.
  7. 16. This medieval prison was "stormed" on July 14th, 1789.
  8. 18. The "smallest" country in the world today, it was agreed that the Pope would govern this section of Rome after Rome became the Italian capital.
  9. 19. City where the Enlightenment began.
  10. 23. Insects believed to be the culprits for the bubonic plague.
  11. 24. A deal between the U.S. and France, after a failed attempt to re-colonize St. Domingue, that nearly double U.S. territory.
  12. 25. This person claimed the universe was like a big clock in that everything had a purpose and worked together to keep the universe "running". He found this through his laws of motion research.
  1. 1. The leaders of Russia, Prussia, and Austria agreed to this in which they would align their relations with other nations based on Christian values.
  2. 2. This document pre-empted the Constitution and proved to be too weak to unify a country on.
  3. 5. The name of the period in which Robespierre was in control.
  4. 7. Name of the Mediterranean island Napoleon was born on.
  5. 8. After the Seven Weeks and Franco-Prussian Wars, the German Confederation was fully unified and renamed this.
  6. 9. Came up with the idea of a sun-centered universe and didn't publicize it until just before he died.
  7. 11. Palace outside Paris that housed the royal family during the French Revolution.
  8. 13. His invention, the printing press, decreased illiteracy considerably.
  9. 15. Influential Foreign Minister from Austria who wanted to restore royalty and achieve a balance of power throughout Europe.
  10. 17. Leader of the slave revolt on Saint Domingue (Haiti) which was successful in achieving its independence in 1789.
  11. 20. His 95 Theses sparked the Protestant Reformation.
  12. 21. Thought that governments should exist to provide life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  13. 22. Napoleon's final battle.