Fall WH Review Crossword

  1. 2. Sailed on 7 voyages for the Ming Dynasty to show the greatest of China to the rest of the world.
  2. 3. Spread along trade routes and killed 2/3rds of Europe’s population.
  3. 4. Traveled most of the Silk Road and served Kublai Khan. Tales of his travels would create great interest in Chinese products.
  4. 6. Islam forbid forcing others to join Islam but Muslims encouraged Christians and Jews to convert to Islam by enforcing a _____ on them.
  5. 7. Monotheistic Religion that believes Jesus is the son of God. The spread of this religion would undermine Roman Empire building.
  6. 9. Popular style in Song China in which noble women would break their feet to make them smaller.
  7. 12. Classical India established a ______ system which was a social hierarchy based on birth.
  8. 15. This country found new ways into the Indian Spice trade after the Ottoman Empire controlled the major trade routes to Asia. (Vasco Da Gama is from here).
  9. 16. Government ruled by religion or priests.
  10. 17. He used terror, horsemanship, and hit and run tactics to create a great empire after uniting all the Mongol clans.
  11. 20. Early form of communication created by the Egyptians.
  12. 21. Was made from clay in China and often in high demand along the Silk Road.
  13. 22. Early monotheistic religion. Key figures include Moses who introduced the 10 commandments and King Solomon.
  1. 1. The Shift from hunting/gathering to settling in one place and growing crops.
  2. 3. After the fall of Rome, the Eastern section became known as the ______ empire.
  3. 5. The _____ system was the economic side of Feudal society in which all goods were produced locally after trade stopped in Europe.
  4. 8. The belief in multiple gods. Seen with Aztec, Egyptian, Greek, Inca, and Mayan civilizations.
  5. 10. Chinese Scholar who wrote of the Five Key Relationships (Example: Husband protects his wife while the wife is obedient to her husband).
  6. 11. The concept that wealth and power is based on money and not land.
  7. 13. West Africa had a thriving trade during the 2nd century based on the exchange of gold for _____.
  8. 14. Religion that believes in reincarnation, the Four Noble Truths, and the Eightfold Path. Rejected the Caste System of India.
  9. 18. This monotheistic religion was created in India as a mix between Islam and Hindu by Guru Nanak.
  10. 19. The Code of _________ was a written set of punishments. Punishments differed based on social classes of the victim and aggressor.