Fall & Winter Safety Game

  1. 3. This can be a hectic time of year, be sure to manage your ____ level to stay healthy and happy.
  2. 5. Be sure to dress warmly on cold days as a fire drill or other ___ can keep you outside longer than expected.
  3. 8. Remain alert and aware of your ____, especially when you're outside and it's dark.
  4. 9. During your morning commute, ___ ___ can be a serious hazard. Prepare by having sunglasses available, keeping windshields clean, and using good judgement by pulling over when you cannot see clearly.
  5. 11. As it gets dark earlier, remember to be extra aware of ___ and cyclists when you’re driving.
  6. 13. Be cautious of wet ___ on roads; they can be just as hazardous as ice.
  7. 15. It's important to practice good health habits like good nutrition and proper amounts of sleep to stay ______.
  8. 16. During this season it is so important to wear proper ___ to stay safe while walking in changing conditions.
  1. 1. Plan extra time to arrive to work and meetings on time. ___ often causes accidents.
  2. 2. Cell phones can be a dangerous ___. While driving, always concentrate on the road, and never text.
  3. 4. Be sure that everyone knows where the ___ ___ ___ is located, and that it is well stocked.
  4. 6. To prevent ___ during the season, remember to wash your hands frequently, avoid close contact with people who are contagious, cover your mouth when coughing to avoid the spread of germs.
  5. 7. When driving, be aware of leave piles near the road; ___ or pets may be playing in them.
  6. 8. Take short steps and walk at a ___ pace so you can react quickly to a change in traction, when walking on an icy or snow-covered walkway.
  7. 10. As it gets colder and we begin using heat again, remember to keep furnaces and heat vents clear of anything ___.
  8. 12. To avoid slipping and falling, look out for ___ ice patches on walkways and watch where you’re stepping.
  9. 14. Do a check for areas of your home or work site that may need repair before extreme weather hits, and ___ anything that does not look safe.