
  1. 1. Covers your face
  2. 3. Holiday in November
  3. 6. These animals collect acorns
  4. 7. Another word for fall
  5. 8. Often found in a Corn Field
  6. 10. What you eat on Thanksgiving
  7. 11. What falls from a tree in Autumn
  8. 12. Last month of Autumn
  9. 15. You can use it to make pie or for carving
  10. 17. Color you make when you mix yellow and red
  11. 18. Invisible spirit
  1. 1. Scary creature
  2. 2. Holiday in October
  3. 4. First month of Autumn
  4. 5. Halloween treat
  5. 9. What we wear on Halloween
  6. 13. eight legged creature that makes webs
  7. 14. Travels on a Broom
  8. 16. Used to gather leaves