
  1. 2. miniature #1
  2. 7. yearly visitor
  3. 8. newest edition
  4. 9. Rubik's cube
  5. 12. will lick your face off
  6. 13. belly rubs
  7. 14. crochet artist
  8. 16. ponytail and proud
  9. 17. already solved this
  10. 18. bowling master
  1. 1. would rather be playing softball right now
  2. 3. tallest
  3. 4. comes out very rarely
  4. 5. doesn't know what's going on half the time
  5. 6. is the Xbox on?
  6. 10. cherry eye
  7. 11. sassy
  8. 13. Harry Potter
  9. 15. probably on the phone right now