- 3. conflict when one role interferes with the performance of another role.
- 7. marriage parents chose a spouse for their kids to marry
- 11. the criminal offence of marrying a person while still legally married
- 13. authority is shared between mother and father
- 14. a traditional male role
- 17. authority lies with the mother
- 18. family consisting of three and more generations
- 20. a type of extended family
- 21. the family member who provides financial support for the family
- 1. the biological process of having children
- 2. family headed by the father
- 4. couple lives together on their own
- 5. tree a diagram showing several generations
- 6. the practice of having more than one wife at the samebtime
- 8. legal ending of a marriage
- 9. a couple living together but is not married is what type of union?
- 10. family related through blood
- 12. tracing the family tree from the mothers side
- 15. taker a traditional female role
- 16. persons related by blood, marriage or adoption
- 19. process of a couple getting to know each other better.