
  1. 2. Mas Tas
  2. 4. ummm JJ I'm 23
  3. 5. Damien's peak
  4. 7. Olivia's fav sauce
  5. 8. anything helps, even packs of cigarettes
  6. 9. Special Carmel list
  7. 12. Are you finished school?
  8. 13. She was very **Snap fingers**
  9. 15. You just lost
  10. 18. Eddy sometimes acts so
  11. 19. An indicator for Richard
  12. 21. Patrick would break this
  13. 23. "___said"
  14. 26. A polanic item
  15. 27. Whole man of
  16. 29. Better than Justin beiber
  17. 30. "He had a phone!!!"
  18. 32. "iT's CaLlEd ____!"
  1. 1. Go to your place and get
  2. 3. Most rare type of semi truck tailer
  3. 6. A windsor local, walks around naked.
  4. 10. Sam Basil
  5. 11. There's
  6. 14. Czech girls
  7. 16. Tell Dave this
  8. 17. "Richard, why ....."
  9. 20. A perfect item for Graham
  10. 22. D.R. driving
  11. 24. La
  12. 25. Surname of one of Jack's favourite BV lifty's
  13. 28. She dooz
  14. 31. Assult by a ___ next to the Chrysler building