
  1. 2. Who was born on 4/9/2008
  2. 3. Second family pet
  3. 6. town we lived at in England
  4. 8. Who was born on 3/24/1981
  5. 10. Who's birthday is 7/11/84
  6. 13. Dads best friend in High School
  7. 15. Dads current pet
  8. 16. Who was born in Los Angeles, California on 3/9/2007
  9. 21. Who's birthday is 2/28/89
  10. 22. First town we lived at in England
  11. 24. Who's birthday is 12/12/1921
  12. 25. Who introduced Mom and Dad
  13. 26. Dads best friend in California
  14. 27. Our families bestfriends in England
  15. 33. Where Peggi was born
  16. 34. Who's birthday is 4/12/1921
  17. 36. The love of my life
  18. 37. Where MeMaw was born
  19. 40. Who's birthday is 12/25/1929
  20. 41. Third family pet
  21. 42. Moms Maid of Honor
  22. 43. Dads best friend after High School
  1. 1. Who was born on 10/26/1008
  2. 4. Where PawPaw was born
  3. 5. Who was born in Eugene, Orgeon on 11/28/1984
  4. 7. What was dads first pet
  5. 9. Who's birthday is 1/17/1903
  6. 11. What is Davids occupation
  7. 12. Dads best man
  8. 14. Who's birthday is 5/8/1903
  9. 16. Who was born on 8/25/2000
  10. 17. What is Dees occupation
  11. 18. Dads first pet
  12. 19. Who was born on 4/15/2011
  13. 20. Who's birthday is 4/11/81
  14. 23. Who was born on 1/22/2001
  15. 28. Who's wedding date is 3/20/83
  16. 29. Our first home in Georgia
  17. 30. Dad and he joined Air Force together
  18. 31. Who was born on 7/30/2007
  19. 32. Who was born on 10/12/1998
  20. 35. Who birthday is 9/21/1979
  21. 38. Who was born in Jamestown NY on 4/28/1998
  22. 39. Fire family pet