
  1. 3. fritz can do an impression of this famous man
  2. 7. tasha collge nickname
  3. 8. a bald rich man we know
  4. 9. an animal mum kicked
  5. 12. a pets name
  6. 14. something in our garden
  7. 15. somthing tasha had to throw away as a child
  8. 17. tasha favourite food
  9. 18. something fritz had burried
  10. 22. leos favourite tv character
  11. 23. a film mum hates
  12. 26. somewhere tasha has worked
  13. 27. tasha first acting job she was...
  14. 28. mums spirit animal
  15. 29. a place fritz got attacked on holiday
  1. 1. fritz thinks his this
  2. 2. something thomas loved
  3. 3. a fear of mums
  4. 4. a place we had wondefull holidays at
  5. 5. a smelly person
  6. 6. the name of tasha favourite teddy
  7. 10. a herb
  8. 11. fritz thinks he can find anything because he is a...
  9. 13. somthing you can eat begging with S...
  10. 14. something tasha wouldnt mind having
  11. 16. a childhood dance
  12. 19. something fritz can never have to many off
  13. 20. a animal fritz kicked
  14. 21. someone at tasha 18th
  15. 24. something mum stole from squires
  16. 25. mummy best friend