- 1. The dad to a dad/mom
- 4. The son of a sibling
- 6. The man who someone is engaged to
- 7. The grandparents kids' daughter or son
- 10. The sister to a mother
- 11. The woman who lost her husband to death
- 12. The parents' female kid
- 14. The parents' kids, kids
- 17. The female who gave birth to you/adopted you
- 18. The male sibling
- 1. The mother to a mother/dad
- 2. The parents' male kid
- 3. The female sibling
- 5. The man who lost his wife to death
- 8. The family's pet, who must go on a walk and bark
- 9. The family's pet, who is often flexible and say "meow"
- 13. The man who is a brother to a dad/mother
- 15. The mother's wife
- 16. The daughter of a sibling