  1. 3. Opening Song
  2. 4. and man-made disasters causes tragedy and loss
  3. 8. is not partial
  4. 9. Those blessed by Him will possess the_____
  5. 10. Stability and permanence are ascribed to the ____.
  6. 11. The supporters of circumcision began to _____ him
  7. 12. Do not pay too much attention to news events that feature wicked__
  8. 14. Trusting in Jehovah’s promises gives us__
  9. 15. What people cause us pain and anguish
  10. 16. Comforting Scriptures
  11. 18. and nine others​ headed up to Caesarea.
  12. 19. leads his people progressively.
  13. 20. Peter invited the Gentile _____ into the house
  1. 1. ______unity today can be challenging
  2. 2. are like vast, deep waters
  3. 5. To show interest in others, Don’t ___.
  4. 6. are lofty
  5. 7. what can help us to cope when a disaster occurs?
  6. 13. and discreet slave
  7. 17. Trust in Jehovah and do what is__
  8. 18. Still on the rooftop, “Peter was______