- 1. he plays bass guitar (Gabes brother)
- 3. Has a son named Jakob
- 6. Brenda's son (first and last name)
- 11. Marie Pederson's son,(first and last name)
- 14. She stole a bible for Brenda (first and last name)
- 16. name of Laura Grawe's son
- 18. Sheila Grawe's Husband
- 21. Wades little Brother
- 22. The state Rich Holly traveled from
- 24. The State jim Grawe lives in
- 27. Judy Karvonen was enrolled in the (_____) Mnt Indian Reservation
- 28. Name of Jared's daughter
- 29. number of daughters Deb Grawe has
- 31. she got married on Nov 14th 1981
- 2. name of Gabe's mom
- 4. served over 30 years in the US Army (first and last name)
- 5. Name on Justin Grawes licence plate
- 7. two guys here that have both lived in Germany (two first names)
- 8. name of Brenda's husband
- 9. She is the Mom of River grace
- 10. Does Gabes Mom, April have double jointed toes?
- 12. Candi's last name
- 13. number of sons Jim Grawe has
- 14. City Jordan Grawe is from
- 15. They are both ranked as Blue Belts(two first names)
- 17. name of Steve Pederson's husband
- 18. name of a left handed man who is here
- 19. Who is Oliver's Mom
- 20. name of the state Candi lives in
- 21. Jordan's last name
- 23. The state Jeff Grawe traveled from
- 25. name of Laura's husband
- 26. Marie Pederson Nationality
- 27. One of Judys Karvonon's favorite bands ZZ___
- 30. A Judy Karvonen saying "if it feels good (two words)