
  1. 3. making a kiddish soooooon!
  2. 5. has the best traveling stories
  3. 8. birthday coming up :)
  4. 11. drove 1/2 way across the country for passover holiday!
  5. 14. cutest story teller :)
  6. 16. #7 says it all :)
  7. 17. just might need dentures soon!
  8. 18. best uncle in the fam!
  9. 19. frozen at the moment!
  1. 1. has the most sophisticated schedule at school :)
  2. 2. best t-ball players
  3. 4. lukshin chef!
  4. 6. the best balabust!
  5. 7. moving to balto!
  6. 9. editor in chief!
  7. 10. who does all the grocery shopping and laundry?
  8. 12. good old huda man!!! just the best!
  9. 13. such a toot!
  10. 15. cute little scooter