Famous Meteorologists

  1. 4. Best known for his theory of erosion was a meteorologist known for studying atmospheric conditions in Argentina.
  2. 5. Known for his comical on screen meteorology on the Today show in the 80s.
  3. 8. Used kites and balloons to study the atmosphere and movement. He used this to develop his Theory of Plate Tectonics.
  4. 9. Known for his study of heat circulation at mid latitudes.
  5. 10. Most famous for his invention of a themometer measuring freezing temperature of water at 0 degrees.
  1. 1. Koppen studied ________ using geological data to infer past climates.
  2. 2. Best known for his studies in evaporation and water vapor as well as his studies of aurora.
  3. 3. Invented a climate classification system.
  4. 6. Best known for his weather forecasts on the Today show (still currently doing this).
  5. 7. Currently a weatherman for ABC. Chases tornadoes during storm season.
  6. 9. Created a tempereature scale that used in the US.