Famous Names Amanda

  1. 4. First practical intelligence test (Stanford Binet IQ Test)
  2. 5. memory, misinformation effect
  3. 7. theory of emotion, stimulus to physiological arousal to emotion
  4. 8. father of client-centered therapy
  5. 11. forgetting curve
  6. 13. rational-emotive theory
  7. 14. cognitive therapy
  8. 15. operant conditioning
  9. 16. social influence, obedience
  10. 18. Strange situtation paradigm,reaction determined attachment style
  11. 19. research on infant's temperament
  12. 20. Neo Freudians, collective unconscious
  13. 22. Father Of Modern Psychology
  14. 23. Stanford Prison Experiment
  15. 26. conditioned taster aversion (one trial learning, food poisoning)
  1. 1. triachie theory, analytical, practical, creative
  2. 2. studied uses of polygraph
  3. 3. difference threshold ""'s law
  4. 6. Learned helplessness
  5. 8. Pseudopatients
  6. 9. Theory Of Cognitive Dissonance
  7. 10. cognitive development
  8. 12. Multiple Intelligences
  9. 13. universal expressions
  10. 17. Founder of psychoanalysis
  11. 21. Hypnosis in regard to pain control
  12. 24. bobo doll
  13. 25. classical conditioning